Schools out for Summer
Well folks, it's been a while, but that isn't my choice! I live in the woods with no internet! :) Lets see. Since I last wrote, I conquered finals week. I've finished my freshman year, and moved farther away from my home than ever before. The last few weeks of school went well. I did a lot of fun end of the year activities with friends, got to visit family a little bit, passed with decent grades, and realized how much I loved Logan and my life there. I guess I'm one of those people who really doesn't love anything till it's over. I take a lot for granted which is hard sometimes. I drove lots of hours from Vernal to Jacob Lake Arizona. It's been an adventure for sure. I live in a dorm with 28 girls. Each day I work 9+ hours. I work in the office so I do reservations, and basic office work. It's not bad. The food is pretty good. It's nice to not have to decide what to eat or make it. I've missed Cache Valley and Vernal and my friends and fa...