Ode to the life of a student
I thought about actually writing an ode but that was just way too much work. Lately I have been thinking about the aspects of being a student, especially an LDS one, and trying to figure out my life. School has been pretty good. I am taking the maximum amount of credits, which will hopefully be an advantage later. Right now I'm considering dropping out and living a gypsy life ways to make school feel easier but so far I'm just realizing that it is not procrastinating. I am working two jobs. I work at the ASSERT preschool for kids with autism. It is ABA (applied behavior analysis) based and I really enjoy it. It is mentally tiring sometimes, but I get to be with some of the greatest kids on the planet. I also work as a tutor for a high school boy who is the funniest, nicest kid. I also teach violin once a week, so I guess you could say I have 2 and a half jobs. My easiest class is probably human development. I don't know. It's super awesome. Sometim...