A lot of stuff

So, the past week was pretty great. I have to say that the best part of it was visiting home, but that's only because my mom is reading this. Just kidding, that really was the best part. :)
Last Friday, one of my friends and I drove out to Vernal. I was so excited to be home! It was such a good feeling to pull into my beautiful yard. I got to make bread with my mom and spend time with some friends. Saturday was so relaxing too. On Sunday I got to go to a homecoming for one of my best friends. It's crazy how time flies. The drive home from Vernal was pretty intense. Kameron started the drive...and he got to drive through mist, rain, and snow.  We switched and I just got rain thank goodness.
This week hasn't been too exciting yet. Monday I was so lazy. I didn't have to work, and I didn't do any homework. Tuesday I went running in almost freezing temps with my shorts and t-shirt. I like to be hardcore. Today I got a 90 on my music test, which believe it or not apparently deserved an email congratulating me from my teacher.
Well, tomorrow's the last day of school for the week. Woohoo fall break.
Just my family. In my yard. Not from this weekend, but we look good anyway?

Shauntel went with my to one of my favorite places.. Smoothie shop :) Can you tell I'm excited??

Drive home!

We had FHE at our house!

We carved pumpkins!

Our apartment's actually collapsed. Oops.

How I feel about Music 1100...

Need this for when I go home next time..

My roommates and I worked out.


  1. That sweatshirt made me laugh... you really do need that. I loved having you here.


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